Best Rose Bowl Ever

Today was the best possible scenario for me and my family.

The Ducks won the Rose Bowl.

This has been a big deal since we found out the Ducks would be playing on New Year’s Day.

New Year’s Day.

Lela’s expected due date.

I was afraid that I’d be in the hospital, mostly watching Meghaan give birth and partially tracking the game on my phone.

I’m not a caveman, mind you.

I understand that my wife giving birth takes precedence over a football game.

But I went to Oregon and my family is a Ducks family and this is a big deal to us.

Well, good news- Lela was super early. So instead of sitting in a hospital room, we sat on our couch.

And she got to sit with Mimi.

That’s my mom, by the way.

Lela loves her Mimi.

And she loves the Ducks.

Lela wore Ducks gear and slept and cried and ate lots of breastfood.

And the Duckies won 59-20 and looked amazing and now they’re playing for the national championship on January 12.

We’ll be watching it from home. No distractions and no conflicts and nothing but us focusing on what’s important.

Our baby.

And our Duckies.

And delicious beer.

Originally posted January 1, 2015 at

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